Tag: Yiruma

May 2022 Monthly Round Up

Welcome to Pride Month. The celebration of being you and being proud. We have started the summer and it seems that, in Ireland anyway, the weather knows it which is rare for a change. Of course, summer means exams for some, finals, essays and… Continue Reading “May 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

New Music Super Mega Post!

It’s been a while since us here at Our Muchness Guide got a chance to sit down and write our thoughts on all the new music that has appeared on the scene recently. So today is a New Music Mega Post listen to our… Continue Reading “New Music Super Mega Post!”