Tag: YA Novel

Chaos Walking – Movie Review

In the not too distant future on the planet of New World, the thoughts of the men of Prentisstown are public knowledge in a stream of images, words and sounds known as Noise. The women were killed by the native species of the planet… Continue Reading “Chaos Walking – Movie Review”

Booktober – Fallen Series Review

From one book series revolving around soulmates to another for me this Booktober; the next series on Niamh’s List is the Fallen Series by Lauren Kate. Move over Underworld and creatures of the night, this time we are dealing with Fallen Angels. This book… Continue Reading “Booktober – Fallen Series Review”

Booktober – Night World Series Review

Hi all! Day 7 of Blogtober and I’m going to get started on my half of our dedicate days of #Booktober. Niamh here if you haven’t guessed and spoiler: myself and Emma’s book tastes are extremely different this October! For my first post, I… Continue Reading “Booktober – Night World Series Review”