My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

The New Music Mega Post

Hello dear readers we are finally back with a New Music but this time it is a Mega Post! With life getting in the way a little in recent weeks, we had to suck it up and slow down to focus on ourselves but… Continue Reading “The New Music Mega Post”

‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’

Such an interesting title for a rather simple concept! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, my mind is drawn to the countless music playlists that flood the internet every February in the run up to making people feel that “love is in the… Continue Reading “‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’”