Tag: Work

My Year in Music – May 2023

I know I say this every month but, I promise, I am in fact alive just working six days a week and having no social life but I am alive, I swear. I’ve missed a lot of reunions and social events lately and the… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2023”

February 2023 Monthly Round Up

Another month ends and I speak for both of us at Our Muchness Guide when I say we won’t miss February 2023! Between work being insane, one of us being ill for twenty days of the month with two different illnesses while the other… Continue Reading “February 2023 Monthly Round Up”

January 2023 Monthly Round Up

Well if that wasn’t the most January January to ever January… It only took about 4 years to end. Welcome to 2023’s first monthly round up! I know we’ve been teasing lots of different things for this year already on Twitter and such but… Continue Reading “January 2023 Monthly Round Up”

5 Ways to Reset & Plan For 2023

Happy New Year dear readers! Although many people reflect on the year that was and plan for the New Year in December, I’m starting 2023 off with a reset and planning as illness got in the way! It is never too late to sit… Continue Reading “5 Ways to Reset & Plan For 2023”

July 2022 Monthly Round Up

The busiest month in our household has finally come to an end…  July! Between celebrating All of the birthdays (mine included), working and finishing up the in person part of my Forest School course; there hasn’t been much time set aside for down time.… Continue Reading “July 2022 Monthly Round Up”

February 2022 Monthly Round Up

Hello there! It’s been a crazy month and finding the time to blog regularly has been difficult for both of us to say the least. We have been doing our best to post as often as possible but being responsible adults makes it hard.… Continue Reading “February 2022 Monthly Round Up”

August 2021 Monthly Round Up

August has come and gone. I don’t know about you dear readers but, for us here at Our Muchness Guide, August flew by. The month was jam packed with work, work and more work. We enjoyed a number of new titles on Disney+ and… Continue Reading “August 2021 Monthly Round Up”

Drive to Survive…. The Summer Break

Part of the F1 Reaction series In the lead up to hearing “It’s lights out and away we go!” in Spa-Francorchamps after three long weeks, we’ve decided to not only let you in on what we’ve been up to over the F1 summer break… Continue Reading “Drive to Survive…. The Summer Break”


Topics? Ideas? Sometimes they run out. And, honestly, being stuck in a lockdown really shortens the list of ideas you have to write about and this is one of those times. Creativity isn’t always easy to come by sometimes and, in a pandemic where… Continue Reading “Procrastination”

November Monthly Round-Up

November Monthly Round Up Well, November is over and it’s time to drag Michael Bublé out of the closet to croon out Christmas classics (Merry Christmas Mr. Bublé. No, Mariah, you stay there!), grab the Celebrations and park your butt in front of the… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round-Up”