Tag: Warm

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

September 2022 Monthly Round Up

N: Who’s month is it anyway? (E: I thought you knew XD) Anyway, right now, we are doing our best to recover and get back to some semblance of normal. We’ve been crazy busy but also fighting with our health lately and something had… Continue Reading “September 2022 Monthly Round Up”

January 2022 Monthly Round Up

Does January feel really long to anyone else or is it just me? I think everyone made it through without too much hassle which is always a positive but we’ll move swiftly on for fear of jinxing anything. January saw Ireland removing a lot… Continue Reading “January 2022 Monthly Round Up”

Music Review and Interview: Warm – Moncrieff

As a first release from Moncreiff’s upcoming EP, ‘Warm’ is a hugely promising start to the next musical chapter expected from the London-based Irish singer/songwriter. The song is an anthem showing how one person can overlook your flaws and make you want to be… Continue Reading “Music Review and Interview: Warm – Moncrieff”

My Year in Music – December

*gingermeister voice*(look them up on TikTok, coffee gremlin is hilarious) Hello! It is the last playlist addition of 2020 which means I can officially say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This month’s selection of songs is different as these aren’t songs I heard; these are some… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – December”

November Monthly Round-Up

November Monthly Round Up Well, November is over and it’s time to drag Michael Bublé out of the closet to croon out Christmas classics (Merry Christmas Mr. Bublé. No, Mariah, you stay there!), grab the Celebrations and park your butt in front of the… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round-Up”