Tag: Vinyl

June Monthly Round Up

Heeeello everybody! It’s the end of June and we are here to share the best bits of the month with you. As you all know this month was Pride month and you may have noticed we changed our colours a little. Just a smidge.… Continue Reading “June Monthly Round Up”

May Monthly Round Up

Hi All! It’s the end of another month and, honestly, May felt like it passed by quicker than any other month during this Global Pandemic. I don’t know about you all but we, here at Our Muchness Guide, are enjoying the nice weather, finally… Continue Reading “May Monthly Round Up”

Digital vs Physical

In the time of digital downloads and streaming, do we still really need new physical copies of music? Why bother buying copies of music that just take up space when you can have all your music on your phone? Which is better, the physical… Continue Reading “Digital vs Physical”