Tag: UK

Men Driving Fast in Funky Circles

(or The F1 2022 Season So Far!) Now wait just a damn second! You’re telling me that we’re over half way through the Formula One season and we haven’t made a post about it?! Allow me to fix that! But after twelve races, there’s… Continue Reading “Men Driving Fast in Funky Circles”

Formula One: Drive to Survive

What is Formula One? It is a planned motor racing championship consisting of 20 drivers and 10 teams. With top speeds of nearly 300 km/h, the single seater racing competition is the highest class of international auto racing authorised by the Federation Internationale de… Continue Reading “Formula One: Drive to Survive”

Anywhere With You

So, as some people may already know, I was in London to see Wild Youth and their opening act, Luz Corrigan, perform in Dingwalls in Camden. Rather than review the gig because I reviewed a gig from this tour earlier this year, I decided… Continue Reading “Anywhere With You”