Tag: Travel

2023 Yearly Round Up

And with that the 2023 season comes to an end… and 2024 kicks off. There’s so much to do and see this year but, before we look forward, we should also look back at the year that was and remember the best bits of… Continue Reading “2023 Yearly Round Up”

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

OMG’s Top GP Tips

Since we managed to survive the Dutch Grand Prix, we’ve picked up tips and tricks to help you survive your Grand Prix of choice too. Naturally, the first two bits of advice are pretty obvious: Dress for the weather and wear the most comfortable… Continue Reading “OMG’s Top GP Tips”

November Monthly Round-Up

November Monthly Round Up Well, November is over and it’s time to drag Michael Bublé out of the closet to croon out Christmas classics (Merry Christmas Mr. Bublé. No, Mariah, you stay there!), grab the Celebrations and park your butt in front of the… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round-Up”