Tag: Top 5 Favourite Songs

2023 Yearly Round Up

And with that the 2023 season comes to an end… and 2024 kicks off. There’s so much to do and see this year but, before we look forward, we should also look back at the year that was and remember the best bits of… Continue Reading “2023 Yearly Round Up”

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

Spotlight Artist: Taylor Swift

So, who exactly is Taylor Swift? Queen Tay Tay, better known as Taylor Swift, (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer songwriter from Tennessee. Her music is best known for it’s story-like quality, usually centered around her personal life and experiences. At 14… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist: Taylor Swift”