Tag: The Weeknd

My Year In Music March & April

Remind me never to ask for a month to be nicer to me because it does NOT work! In case you haven’t noticed there was a month of music missing. Unfortunately, I was very very sick at the start of April for the first… Continue Reading “My Year In Music March & April”

New Music Weekend 23/4/21

Another weekend, another collection of our favourite new releases to share with you all and with a few Homegrown Heroes thrown into the mix. This week, I, Emma, even looked back and found a track that we somehow overlooked earlier in the month but… Continue Reading “New Music Weekend 23/4/21”

My Year in Music – September

Aloha! September is over and spooky season has begun. Christmas does not exist until I get to celebrate Halloween and I will fight anyone who tries to start Christmas cheer this early in the year. It also means it’s time for Booktober to start… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – September”

My Year in Music – July

“July please I’m on my knees” Leave, you were soooooo long! This simultaneously feels like the fastest and the slowest year of my life so far, if that makes sense. It is August and as always it’s time to add to our pretty damn… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – July”