Tag: The Odyssey Project

Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey

Our Muchness Guide has never shied away from reviewing Chasing Abbey’s releases and , naturally, the release of ‘Call Out My Name’ is no exception. However, this single took longer to review than the others simply because the minute details that we usually discuss… Continue Reading “Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey”

Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey

Hello dear readers! It’s that time of the month again where we choose an Artist to be our Spotlight Artist of the month. If August was one of Emma’s favourite Homegrown Heroes, September is all about one of mine! *Drum Roll Please* It’s Chasing… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey”

2FM Rising Galway

This one is incredibly long overdue all. So sit back and enjoy this blog post about my recent trip to Galway for RTÉ Rising with Laoise, Chasing Abbey and Jyellowl.  As soon as the gig was announced in my old university town with some… Continue Reading “2FM Rising Galway”