Tag: The Mandalorian

August 2023 Monthly Round Up

Welcome back to our latest instalment of our Monthly Round Ups. August has been filled with catch ups, trying to enjoy the weather and relax when not working. Keen eye readers will be aware this is our first blog post back after a well… Continue Reading “August 2023 Monthly Round Up”

April 2023 Monthly Round Up

April, what a month! Surrounded by many hours of work, two reunions for Our Muchness Guide, Niamh breaking a bone and the Chasing Abbey guys dropping a new song a week via their The Vault Series (that’s just scratching the surface); April was week… Continue Reading “April 2023 Monthly Round Up”

September Monthly Round Up

Hey guys! It’s that time of the month again, Monthly Round Up! It has been an interesting one to say the least with Ireland not too sure what it’s doing with the weather, COVID-19 restrictions and work slowly going back to what I love… Continue Reading “September Monthly Round Up”

Autumn TV Choices

With the weather turning a lot cooler in recent days and the leaves looking breathtakingly beautiful; Autumn is truly underway! Time to unpack your Winter Wardrobe if you are in Ireland like we are, grab a blanket and begin to cosy up in front… Continue Reading “Autumn TV Choices”