Tag: Take My Hand

My Year in Music April 2022

It’s a bit later in the evening than usual but Hi everybody! Another month has been and gone and we have a whole new batch of songs for you to enjoy! A lot of these songs were literally the first songs that sprang to… Continue Reading “My Year in Music April 2022”

My Year in Music – June

Another year older, another year wiser is what people always say but that wiser part is questionable at best when it comes to me. June has come and gone and you know what that means!! We’re both back to work being responsible adults…(bet you… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – June”

Valentines Day Playlist

So, with Valentine’s Day coming up fast, we thought about lots of different things to do to mark the occasion. So being that we’re on a little music binge this year and gathering music into playlists, why not do the same for Valentine’s day… Continue Reading “Valentines Day Playlist”