Tag: Stay Home Stay Safe

October Monthly Round Up

Greetings children of the night, ghosts, ghouls and monsters of all ages. It is the last day of spooky season, Spooktober has come to an end and Blogtober has seen us post every single day this month and pass 100 posts on our blog!… Continue Reading “October Monthly Round Up”

Halloween Party Games

This post is dedicated to the inner child in us all as we all try to plan how exactly we are going to celebrate Halloween this year. For most of my childhood and all of my siblings’, we never went trick or treating because… Continue Reading “Halloween Party Games”

May Monthly Round Up

Hi All! It’s the end of another month and, honestly, May felt like it passed by quicker than any other month during this Global Pandemic. I don’t know about you all but we, here at Our Muchness Guide, are enjoying the nice weather, finally… Continue Reading “May Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – April 2020

Here we are again, another month begins and another bunch of additions are made to the My Year In Music playlists on Spotify and YouTube. This started out as little New Years Resolution for my own personal amusement; I would note a unique song… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2020”

April Monthly Round Up

Here’s to the longest month in existence: APRIL!!! Another few weeks of lockdown done and dusted; yeah, it’s hard but every day is another day closer to the end of it all but we’re not there just yet. We’re doing our best to have… Continue Reading “April Monthly Round Up”

Digital vs Physical

In the time of digital downloads and streaming, do we still really need new physical copies of music? Why bother buying copies of music that just take up space when you can have all your music on your phone? Which is better, the physical… Continue Reading “Digital vs Physical”

Spotlight Artist: Moncrieff

We adore finding new and upcoming Irish Music Acts here at Our Muchness Guide. Today, April 16th, in a parallel non COVID-19 world, Niamh should be attending her very first Moncrieff gig but the world had other plans. Of course, the gig got rescheduled… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist: Moncrieff”