Tag: Star Wars

May 2022 Monthly Round Up

Welcome to Pride Month. The celebration of being you and being proud. We have started the summer and it seems that, in Ireland anyway, the weather knows it which is rare for a change. Of course, summer means exams for some, finals, essays and… Continue Reading “May 2022 Monthly Round Up”

Favourite Halloween Costumes of the Past

Day six is dedicated to those who go all out for Halloween. A number of my friends spent weeks planning their Halloween Costumes, Hair and Make Up while I usually scrambled to put something fun together last minute. So, as everyone scrambles to make… Continue Reading “Favourite Halloween Costumes of the Past”

Autumn TV Choices

With the weather turning a lot cooler in recent days and the leaves looking breathtakingly beautiful; Autumn is truly underway! Time to unpack your Winter Wardrobe if you are in Ireland like we are, grab a blanket and begin to cosy up in front… Continue Reading “Autumn TV Choices”

ASMR: More than just “Brushing a Microphone.”

For the past seven years, ASMR has been a constant staple in my YouTube Subscription tab. I first stumbled across ASMR when listening to Calming Music during a rather stressful night doing college assignments back in 2013. From there, I really did fall down… Continue Reading “ASMR: More than just “Brushing a Microphone.””

Disney Top 10s

So with isolation fever setting in, now is the time to sit down in front of the TV and regress, right? And with Disney+ in so many homes now, it’s easier than ever to become a kid again. Everyone has their favourites but what… Continue Reading “Disney Top 10s”

January 2020 – Monthly Round Up

And the longest month goes to… January! I hope everyone survived the January Blues if they were hit with them and to others: I hope you are happy that January happened! Niamh here, it’s been a hot minute since I introduced one of these… Continue Reading “January 2020 – Monthly Round Up”