Tag: Spotlight Artists

Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones

We are finally back with our Spotlight Artists for 2021. For anyone new to this segment: Welcome! To those who are returning to our blog: Welcome Back! After taking a break for January, we decided to kick off our 2021 segment in style with… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones”

Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey

Hello dear readers! It’s that time of the month again where we choose an Artist to be our Spotlight Artist of the month. If August was one of Emma’s favourite Homegrown Heroes, September is all about one of mine! *Drum Roll Please* It’s Chasing… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey”

Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke

For those of you who have been with us a while, you will be familiar with Galway based band Evøke who will be releasing their debut EP “Revelatiøns” on the 27th of this month. For those who don’t know, allow us to introduce you… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke”

Spotlight Artist: Taylor Swift

So, who exactly is Taylor Swift? Queen Tay Tay, better known as Taylor Swift, (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer songwriter from Tennessee. Her music is best known for it’s story-like quality, usually centered around her personal life and experiences. At 14… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist: Taylor Swift”

Spotlight Artist: Moncrieff

We adore finding new and upcoming Irish Music Acts here at Our Muchness Guide. Today, April 16th, in a parallel non COVID-19 world, Niamh should be attending her very first Moncrieff gig but the world had other plans. Of course, the gig got rescheduled… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist: Moncrieff”

Spotlight Artists: Hudson Taylor

Each month, we will pick a band to listen to and give our thoughts on so for our first Spotlight Artists, we chose Hudson Taylor out of a hat (or, to be more accurate, a pencilcase); so Niamh and I sat down and had… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artists: Hudson Taylor”