Tag: Sia

My Year In Music – June 2022

Well well well. We’re half way there now. 6 months of music all in one place and 6 more to come. While preparing the MYIM posts, I use the previous year’s posts as templates and I always find these post so fun to look… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – June 2022”

My Year In Music – August 2021

Well didn’t August just fly by this year? But, hey, I didn’t see most of it because I was working. But the start of a new month means that I’m done with my summer contract for this year and my “summer break” can begin.… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August 2021”

My Year In Music – May 2021

So, May ended with a scorcher of a weekend and good moods all around. We’ve finally gotten a little freedom around here. Funnily enough, I used last year’s MYIM May post as a template for this one and the mood last year was far… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – May 2021”

Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones

We are finally back with our Spotlight Artists for 2021. For anyone new to this segment: Welcome! To those who are returning to our blog: Welcome Back! After taking a break for January, we decided to kick off our 2021 segment in style with… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones”