Tag: Seventeen

Music Review: Live Without You – Wild Youth

Lately I’ve been struggling with blog burnout (more about that another time), I’ve lacked the drive and motivation to compose posts for the blog lately. So, rather than force myself to create content, I took a break and celebrated a ‘milestone’ birthday (according to… Continue Reading “Music Review: Live Without You – Wild Youth”

My Year in Music – March 2022

Oooo we are back! My Year in Music with cryptic explanations is back! I know some of you just come here for the playlists but maybe some of you come to read the little comments that I put alongside my choices. If you are… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – March 2022”

Music Review: Seventeen – Wild Youth

Well hello there. We’re back with a Wild Youth review. I (Emma) haven’t done a Wild Youth review in a while and this is our first time really diving into the nitty gritty of a Wild Youth song as a team. Their newest single… Continue Reading “Music Review: Seventeen – Wild Youth”