Tag: Robert Grace

My Year in Music – March 2022

Oooo we are back! My Year in Music with cryptic explanations is back! I know some of you just come here for the playlists but maybe some of you come to read the little comments that I put alongside my choices. If you are… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – March 2022”

My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

October 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well hello there, I hope you all had a very happy Halloween and a very blessed Samhain. So the craziest thing happened this month; I’m pretty sure I hallucinated and we were at an actual gig with very little in the way of restrictions…in… Continue Reading “October 2021 Monthly Round Up”

New Music Super Mega Post!

It’s been a while since us here at Our Muchness Guide got a chance to sit down and write our thoughts on all the new music that has appeared on the scene recently. So today is a New Music Mega Post listen to our… Continue Reading “New Music Super Mega Post!”

New Music weekend 2/4/21

Another week has passed and it’s our favourite time of the week again; it’s New Music time! This week sees a number of artists that started their careers as Disney Stars, a few artists who have been on our playlists for years and a… Continue Reading “New Music weekend 2/4/21”

5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day

Happy Early St Patrick’s Day one and all! Saint Patrick Day is the one day of the year everyone around the world with any sort of Irish heritage gets to celebrate everything that makes the Irish culture and heritage great! We, here at Our… Continue Reading “5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day”

New Music Friday – 12/3/21

Happy Friday! The weekend has finally arrived! It’s that time of the week again and our favourite day for music: #NewMusicFriday. Week two is below and we are excited to see so many Irish artists releasing music this week alongside our International friends! So,… Continue Reading “New Music Friday – 12/3/21”

2020 Yearly Round Up

Well, I’m fairly certain no one will be sad to see the back of 2020. We’ll be ringing in the New Year so we can be certain that January 1st arrives and we don’t get December 32nd and the 13th level of Jumanji. But,… Continue Reading “2020 Yearly Round Up”

My Year in Music – November

Hello! Merry panic buying gifts for people you thought you knew really well and suddenly can not remember a thing about all of a sudden! Too accurate? Because that’s what I’m trying, and failing miserably, not to do right now. But ‘tis officially the… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – November”