Tag: Riverfest

June 2023 Monthly Round Up

We are ringing in the end of June exceptionally delayed and that is my fault (Niamh). The end of June was insane with the end of the School Tour Season, finding my feet with a new role in work and Emma being my personal… Continue Reading “June 2023 Monthly Round Up”

Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey

Hello dear readers! It’s that time of the month again where we choose an Artist to be our Spotlight Artist of the month. If August was one of Emma’s favourite Homegrown Heroes, September is all about one of mine! *Drum Roll Please* It’s Chasing… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey”

Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke

For those of you who have been with us a while, you will be familiar with Galway based band Evøke who will be releasing their debut EP “Revelatiøns” on the 27th of this month. For those who don’t know, allow us to introduce you… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke”