Tag: Pride

My Year in Music – May 2022

We have old and new songs and songs in between for you from May. It’s been a strange kind of month but we’ve come out the other side and into the month long celebration that is Pride 2022!  So to all the LGBTQIA+ members… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2022”

May 2022 Monthly Round Up

Welcome to Pride Month. The celebration of being you and being proud. We have started the summer and it seems that, in Ireland anyway, the weather knows it which is rare for a change. Of course, summer means exams for some, finals, essays and… Continue Reading “May 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In Music – May 2021

So, May ended with a scorcher of a weekend and good moods all around. We’ve finally gotten a little freedom around here. Funnily enough, I used last year’s MYIM May post as a template for this one and the mood last year was far… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – May 2021”

June Monthly Round Up

Heeeello everybody! It’s the end of June and we are here to share the best bits of the month with you. As you all know this month was Pride month and you may have noticed we changed our colours a little. Just a smidge.… Continue Reading “June Monthly Round Up”