Tag: Pop

Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy

Well hello there! We felt it was time to get back to talking about music and what a better way to celebrate March than to celebrate Irish Music so, for the month of March, I (Emma) am going to dive into the depths of… Continue Reading “Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy”

Music Review: Somehow – Evoke

La Fheile Padraig sona dhuit and, for those non Irish speaking folks, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Before you go off and paint the town green, let us kick off the celebrations by introducing (or reintroducing) you to Evøke. For those of you who are… Continue Reading “Music Review: Somehow – Evoke”

Music Review: Seventeen – Wild Youth

Well hello there. We’re back with a Wild Youth review. I (Emma) haven’t done a Wild Youth review in a while and this is our first time really diving into the nitty gritty of a Wild Youth song as a team. Their newest single… Continue Reading “Music Review: Seventeen – Wild Youth”

Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey

Something we strive for here at Our Muchness Guide is originality and a unique approach to something done plenty of times before and, like us, our topic of discussion today, Chasing Abbey, does the same. We’ll do our best to offer you insight and… Continue Reading “Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey”

Music Review: Mystic Forest – Meghan Ali

It is safe to say one of the most important art mediums getting us through this lockdown is music and especially new music! Today, we are introducing you to a new Irish musician, Cork native and singer-songwriter Meghan Ali. She released her debut single… Continue Reading “Music Review: Mystic Forest – Meghan Ali”

Music Video Review – Evoke – Revelations

As soon as Our Muchness Guide got the opportunity to write about Evoke again, I jumped at the chance. Evoke have been regulars in our posts, our Spotlight Artist only a few months ago and we were more than happy to review their new… Continue Reading “Music Video Review – Evoke – Revelations”

Music Video Review – Elina Filice – Thinking of You

Hello, hello everyone! Today I’ve the immense pleasure of introducing you to Elina Filice, a singer/songwriter of Canadian origin based in Dublin and also the founder of music consultancy company Red Vine Music. Coming from a musical family, Elina has been writing and playing… Continue Reading “Music Video Review – Elina Filice – Thinking of You”

Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke

For those of you who have been with us a while, you will be familiar with Galway based band Evøke who will be releasing their debut EP “Revelatiøns” on the 27th of this month. For those who don’t know, allow us to introduce you… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke”

Can You Feel It – Evøke – O.M.G. Exclusive Sneak Peek!

Galway based band, Evøke, are fusing genres that some people would never consider as compatible but the beauty of Evoke is that there is a method behind their madness. The self-described “Indie/pop/fusion trad band” are about to release their newest single ‘Can You Feel… Continue Reading “Can You Feel It – Evøke – O.M.G. Exclusive Sneak Peek!”