Tag: Pokemon

Game Review – Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Well, hello there. Now you’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been. Well I’ve been meticulously researching the topic of this review by playing many, many, many hours of Pokémon. It was tough but you know I’d do that for all of you, our wonderful… Continue Reading “Game Review – Pokemon Legends: Arceus”

January 2022 Monthly Round Up

Does January feel really long to anyone else or is it just me? I think everyone made it through without too much hassle which is always a positive but we’ll move swiftly on for fear of jinxing anything. January saw Ireland removing a lot… Continue Reading “January 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – February 2021

Is everyone ready for March Madness to begin?! Yeah?! Too bad, Ireland is still in lockdown; stay at home. Stay safe and social distance. Well, February certainly kept me entertained (looking at you Chasing Abbey and all your TikToks) and, despite all my efforts,… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – February 2021”

Pokémon Day!

Welcome, trainers of all ages to Our Muchness Guide’s celebration of Pokémon Day! Today is the day that the Pokémon Company has chosen to mark the 25th anniversary of Pokémon with a Post Malone virtual concert you never saw coming and the world will… Continue Reading “Pokémon Day!”

March Monthly Round Up

What a month….. It’s like 2020 saw that 2019 was tough and said “Hold my beer.” We really hope you’re all happy, healthy and safe at home. We know it’s been tough but we can all get through this. Also: Hi Niamh!!! (We’re actually… Continue Reading “March Monthly Round Up”

November Monthly Round-Up

November Monthly Round Up Well, November is over and it’s time to drag Michael Bublé out of the closet to croon out Christmas classics (Merry Christmas Mr. Bublé. No, Mariah, you stay there!), grab the Celebrations and park your butt in front of the… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round-Up”

October’s Monthly Round-Up

October is over and it has been a crazy month. Spooky season has ended and it is creeping closer to Christmas. We were in London and saw the wonderful Coronas, the ever fabulous Ruthanne in Dublin and I (Emma) got to see the kick… Continue Reading “October’s Monthly Round-Up”