Tag: PlayStation 5

June 2022 Monthly Round Up

The saying goes older and wiser but I’ve yet to see the truth in that because the day after my birthday I managed to burn my hand by being a complete muppet. But I’m here writing this so that means a) my hand is… Continue Reading “June 2022 Monthly Round Up”

January 2022 Monthly Round Up

Does January feel really long to anyone else or is it just me? I think everyone made it through without too much hassle which is always a positive but we’ll move swiftly on for fear of jinxing anything. January saw Ireland removing a lot… Continue Reading “January 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

June 2021 Monthly Round Up

Happy end of June everyone! We all survived a month with amazing weather that resulted in very high levels of pollen for the majority of June here in Ireland and we (Niamh mainly) are proud we survived! June has kicked up our work schedules… Continue Reading “June 2021 Monthly Round Up”

The F1 Reaction Series

Hi all, it’s Niamh. Today’s post is something completely different than anything we have ever done before and, honestly, I am waiting for Emma to roll her eyes at me. Today’s post is dedicated to the first three months of my journey watching Formula… Continue Reading “The F1 Reaction Series”

April 2021 Monthly Round Up

It feels like only yesterday we were putting together last month’s Monthly Round Up as April truly flew by. This month we have been enjoying the warmer and summery weather. We’ve been spoilt for choice with amazing music this month which has helped us… Continue Reading “April 2021 Monthly Round Up”

March 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well, another month is in the bag and it’s starting to look a bit more summery out there, you know, when it isn’t pouring rain. This month we were (and, really, I mean I was) spending far too much money on game consoles, learning… Continue Reading “March 2021 Monthly Round Up”

February 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hello all! Welcome back to another Monthly Round Up! February just flew by for us here at Our Muchness Guide. It was jammed packed with homeschooling, gaming and lots of walks in our local areas! We celebrated the release of the first rerecording of… Continue Reading “February 2021 Monthly Round Up”