Tag: Playlist

My Year In Music – August

August has come and gone and school is in session, ladies and gents, which means that I am officially on my holidays after finishing my contract in the local Post Office for another year. You know those holidays that I can’t go on because… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August”

Musical Madness: Top Picks You NEED To See!

Hello Everyone! I have been working on this one for quite some time. It was incredibly difficult to choose a selection of musicals for this blog post as to many, musical theatres is an escape from their reality and from the world around them.… Continue Reading “Musical Madness: Top Picks You NEED To See!”

25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation

So in case you haven’t guessed, the Covid19 pandemic has really put a spanner in some of the plans we made but we shall soldier on while we social distance and self isolate. #WeAreAllinThisTogether. But it got me thinking what songs would you think… Continue Reading “25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation”

Valentines Day Playlist

So, with Valentine’s Day coming up fast, we thought about lots of different things to do to mark the occasion. So being that we’re on a little music binge this year and gathering music into playlists, why not do the same for Valentine’s day… Continue Reading “Valentines Day Playlist”

Blogmas: Ten Things to Get You into the Festive Spirit.

Deck the laptops with festive cheer! December is upon us again and here at Our Muchness Guide we are gearing up for the most magical time of the year! Niamh here for the first day of Blogmas. We are partaking in the Blogmas but… Continue Reading “Blogmas: Ten Things to Get You into the Festive Spirit.”