Tag: People

People, Music and… Psychology?

Hello again. A big part of what we do at OMG revolves around music. So I decided to try and explain why music makes you feel happy, why you get songs stuck in your head, why songs seem to follow you everywhere and why… Continue Reading “People, Music and… Psychology?”

The Friends We Need In Life

Every friend group has a huge variety of different personalities; some are loud, others are reserved but the friendships last and work because they all bring out the best in each other. Some friend groups work because there is common ground and interests. Other… Continue Reading “The Friends We Need In Life”

Catching Feelings

Welcome to my world, do come in. Have a seat and please don’t touch the self-esteem, it’s fragile at the best of times. Anyhoo, hi, how are ya? This is the insane asylum that is my mind and today we’re going to have a… Continue Reading “Catching Feelings”