Tag: Out Now

All Again For You – Wild Youth: Single Review

An ode to the fans. A sentence that acts as a perfect introduction to the latest release from Wild Youth. 2023 has had its ups and downs for Wild Youth but the one constant during the good and bad along the way was their… Continue Reading “All Again For You – Wild Youth: Single Review”

Red Notice – Movie Review

Long time no see! We’re back! I swear we’re back now. We’ve been crazy busy and been to London on a well earned break this month so, now that we’ve got the holidays out of the way, it’s time to get back to what… Continue Reading “Red Notice – Movie Review”

Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey

Something we strive for here at Our Muchness Guide is originality and a unique approach to something done plenty of times before and, like us, our topic of discussion today, Chasing Abbey, does the same. We’ll do our best to offer you insight and… Continue Reading “Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey”

All The Live Long Day EP – Gordon Barry

Happy October dear readers! We are kicking things off this month with new music for you! Gordon Barry is a Wexford based musician who’s newest single ‘Roll With The Punches’ is out today! And we’ve decided to review the entirety of Gordon’s most recent… Continue Reading “All The Live Long Day EP – Gordon Barry”