Tag: One Republic

My Year In Music – November 2021

Well hello to you too! I know I’m a post early and I’m mixing up the schedule we posted on Twitter but, you know, life loves throwing surprises at you so… SURPRISE! Here I am! It’s been a hectic month but also a lot… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – November 2021”

My Year In Music – May 2021

So, May ended with a scorcher of a weekend and good moods all around. We’ve finally gotten a little freedom around here. Funnily enough, I used last year’s MYIM May post as a template for this one and the mood last year was far… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – May 2021”

My Year In Music – March 2021

A day late but we didn’t want you all to think we were pranking you with a fake April Fool’s day post but here we are! So usually, I tend to give some explanation as to why I pick certain songs and other times… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – March 2021”

My Year in Music – June

Another year older, another year wiser is what people always say but that wiser part is questionable at best when it comes to me. June has come and gone and you know what that means!! We’re both back to work being responsible adults…(bet you… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – June”