Tag: October

My Year in Music – October 2021

So, October was kind of like a reunion with gigs instead of people. They’re back and even though how they’re being run so far isn’t exactly perfect at least they’re back in some capacity. Being back at gigs has brought back the joy of… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – October 2021”

October 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well hello there, I hope you all had a very happy Halloween and a very blessed Samhain. So the craziest thing happened this month; I’m pretty sure I hallucinated and we were at an actual gig with very little in the way of restrictions…in… Continue Reading “October 2021 Monthly Round Up”

September 2021 Monthly Round Up

It’s time again to sum up a month in a few sentences but, before we get to that part, can we just talk about the fact that we were at actual gigs this month? September is a great step towards normal and we’re hoping… Continue Reading “September 2021 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – October

So, October is Spooky Season and nothing is spookier than being put back in Lockdown but the goal for November is to make sure that I keep my head above water. There is light at the end of this very long tunnel. October was… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – October”

October Monthly Round Up

Greetings children of the night, ghosts, ghouls and monsters of all ages. It is the last day of spooky season, Spooktober has come to an end and Blogtober has seen us post every single day this month and pass 100 posts on our blog!… Continue Reading “October Monthly Round Up”


Evening all! It’s Day 3 of Blogtober and today’s blog post is all about Dyslexia. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s Niamh here and I have severe Dyslexia. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and what is quickly turning into tradition is me writing a… Continue Reading “#ShoutAboutDyslexia”

September Monthly Round Up

Hey guys! It’s that time of the month again, Monthly Round Up! It has been an interesting one to say the least with Ireland not too sure what it’s doing with the weather, COVID-19 restrictions and work slowly going back to what I love… Continue Reading “September Monthly Round Up”

October’s Monthly Round-Up

October is over and it has been a crazy month. Spooky season has ended and it is creeping closer to Christmas. We were in London and saw the wonderful Coronas, the ever fabulous Ruthanne in Dublin and I (Emma) got to see the kick… Continue Reading “October’s Monthly Round-Up”