Tag: November

November 2022 Monthly Round Up

Another month is just over and can you believe we have already survived through 11 months of the year? November saw work turn hectic again, reunions with good friends and our favourite wall that we like to hide by and; two unforgettable concerts for… Continue Reading “November 2022 Monthly Round Up”

October 2022 Monthly Round Up

Did we accidentally forget about one of the most recurring posts on our blog? Pfft never!! But, have no fear, the round-up is here! Also it was entirely my (Emma’s) fault because I can’t stop procrastinating. But a belated Happy Halloween and a blessed… Continue Reading “October 2022 Monthly Round Up”

November 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hope everyone enjoyed a rather mild November, we’re just as surprised as everyone else to be honest! This month seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! We finally got to hop on a plane and leave Ireland behind for a few days!… Continue Reading “November 2021 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – November

Hello! Merry panic buying gifts for people you thought you knew really well and suddenly can not remember a thing about all of a sudden! Too accurate? Because that’s what I’m trying, and failing miserably, not to do right now. But ‘tis officially the… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – November”

November Monthly Round Up

Hello all! Start off November’s Monthly Round Up by taking a deep breath and exhale slowly; we all made it through November! It’s been a whirlwind of a month with lots of things happening across the world and at home and yet; it still… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round Up”

October Monthly Round Up

Greetings children of the night, ghosts, ghouls and monsters of all ages. It is the last day of spooky season, Spooktober has come to an end and Blogtober has seen us post every single day this month and pass 100 posts on our blog!… Continue Reading “October Monthly Round Up”