Tag: Novel

Booktober – The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Can you ever imagine feeling sorry for someone like President Snow from The Hunger Games? In her most recent novel, Suzanne Collins introduces us to the young Coriolanus Snow and his less than luxurious upbringing in the Capitol after the loss of both his… Continue Reading “Booktober – The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes”

Booktober – Fallen Series Review

From one book series revolving around soulmates to another for me this Booktober; the next series on Niamh’s List is the Fallen Series by Lauren Kate. Move over Underworld and creatures of the night, this time we are dealing with Fallen Angels. This book… Continue Reading “Booktober – Fallen Series Review”

Booktober – The Fandom Review

The author of a best selling book has passed away but there is war brewing in the world the author has created. 1) How do you even begin to wrap your head around being transported to the dimension that the fictional world exists in?… Continue Reading “Booktober – The Fandom Review”

Booktober – Midnight Sun Review

One of the most anticipated titles of 2020 was Midnight Sun. Be it for good reasons or all the wrong reasons: I read it for my sins! Let’s be real, I was just nosey and wanted to figure out if Midnight Sun was written… Continue Reading “Booktober – Midnight Sun Review”

Booktober – Can You Keep A Secret Review

So, I reviewed the movie but everyone knows that the book is better than the movie. ‘Can You Keep a Secret?’ by Sophie Kinsella is a perfect example of that. Considering I’ve already reviewed the movie and outlined the plot there, I’ll keep this… Continue Reading “Booktober – Can You Keep A Secret Review”

Booktober – Night World Series Review

Hi all! Day 7 of Blogtober and I’m going to get started on my half of our dedicate days of #Booktober. Niamh here if you haven’t guessed and spoiler: myself and Emma’s book tastes are extremely different this October! For my first post, I… Continue Reading “Booktober – Night World Series Review”

Booktober: Percy Jackson and The Olympians Series Review

Greetings to all mortals, demigods and Greek gods and goddesses that have decided to read this post. I figured it was time for me to sit down and review a book series that I haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy for a long time… Continue Reading “Booktober: Percy Jackson and The Olympians Series Review”

The Devil All The Time

What the actual f*ck?… That’s what I think of “The Devil All the Time.” There is legitimately no other way to describe that movie. As Robert Pattinson said in the film itself “DeLuSiOnS!!!” Amen, brother! Now, can someone tell me where the delusions start… Continue Reading “The Devil All The Time”

Can You Keep a Secret? – Movie Review

So, I’ve finally managed to sit down for more than 5 minutes and do a movie review! Did I seriously consider writing about “The Devil All the Time”? Yes, but I’d hate to spoil that movie for anyone considering it’s so new and I… Continue Reading “Can You Keep a Secret? – Movie Review”