Tag: MYIM Playlist

My Year in Music – May 2023

I know I say this every month but, I promise, I am in fact alive just working six days a week and having no social life but I am alive, I swear. I’ve missed a lot of reunions and social events lately and the… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2023”

My Year In Music March & April

Remind me never to ask for a month to be nicer to me because it does NOT work! In case you haven’t noticed there was a month of music missing. Unfortunately, I was very very sick at the start of April for the first… Continue Reading “My Year In Music March & April”

My Year in Music February 2023

Well, February, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. This month was stressful and an emotional gut punch all in one go. I always love months that try to leave a mark before they go but, as always, we don’t appreciate… Continue Reading “My Year in Music February 2023”

My Year in Music November 2022

Don’t worry, I’m here and the latest addition to the My Year in Music playlist is here too. I just decided to put off posting it for a little while. I could never forget to add to our playlist; I just decided to take… Continue Reading “My Year in Music November 2022”

My Year In Music October 2022

This month, I felt like influencing the My Year in Music playlist a lot more and hand picking some tracks that I feel needed to be included in this year’s playlist. So much so that I started and finished this post less than 24… Continue Reading “My Year In Music October 2022”

My Year in Music August/September 2022

I’M BAAAAAACK! It’s been a while since new songs were added to the My Year in Music playlist simply because, on the last day of last month, I was living my best life in Amsterdam soaking up the wonderfulness that is The Netherlands. It felt… Continue Reading “My Year in Music August/September 2022”

My Year In Music July 2022

Just a bit later than usual but the playlist has landed! Last time July came around, we weren’t making our annual pilgrimage to Mitchelstown because of the plague that shall not be named. This time around we’re not going because we’re doing something even… Continue Reading “My Year In Music July 2022”

My Year In Music – June 2022

Well well well. We’re half way there now. 6 months of music all in one place and 6 more to come. While preparing the MYIM posts, I use the previous year’s posts as templates and I always find these post so fun to look… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – June 2022”