Tag: My Year in Music

My Year in Music – October

So, October is Spooky Season and nothing is spookier than being put back in Lockdown but the goal for November is to make sure that I keep my head above water. There is light at the end of this very long tunnel. October was… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – October”

My Year in Music – September

Aloha! September is over and spooky season has begun. Christmas does not exist until I get to celebrate Halloween and I will fight anyone who tries to start Christmas cheer this early in the year. It also means it’s time for Booktober to start… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – September”

My Year In Music – August

August has come and gone and school is in session, ladies and gents, which means that I am officially on my holidays after finishing my contract in the local Post Office for another year. You know those holidays that I can’t go on because… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August”

My Year in Music – July

“July please I’m on my knees” Leave, you were soooooo long! This simultaneously feels like the fastest and the slowest year of my life so far, if that makes sense. It is August and as always it’s time to add to our pretty damn… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – July”

My Year in Music – May 2020

Another month, another extended stay in isolation but the good news is that restrictions are gradually being relaxed in Ireland, so we’ll soon be back to our usual social selves hopefully. I’m aware that this is later than usual this time around but more… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2020”

My Year in Music – April 2020

Here we are again, another month begins and another bunch of additions are made to the My Year In Music playlists on Spotify and YouTube. This started out as little New Years Resolution for my own personal amusement; I would note a unique song… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2020”

My Year in Music – March 2020

March has been insane but we’ve battled through it all. Stay at home, keep an eye on each other and as always enjoy the new additions to the My Year in Songs playlists on Spotify and YouTube. Do the next right thing. Stay happy… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – March 2020”

My Year In Music – February 2020

It’s already the end of February but you know that means a wonderful selection of music has been added to the My Year in Music playlists. 1 song every day, for a year. Let’s just jump right into it 🙂 Feb 1: Gotta Find You… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – February 2020”

My Year in Music – Jan 2020

So for the past month, I’ve chosen a song a day. Almost like keeping a diary but not quite as private or personal. Maybe it was the first song I heard that day, maybe it was the song that matched my mood or maybe… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – Jan 2020”