Tag: Mumford and Sons

My Year in Music February 2023

Well, February, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. This month was stressful and an emotional gut punch all in one go. I always love months that try to leave a mark before they go but, as always, we don’t appreciate… Continue Reading “My Year in Music February 2023”

Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke

For those of you who have been with us a while, you will be familiar with Galway based band Evøke who will be releasing their debut EP “Revelatiøns” on the 27th of this month. For those who don’t know, allow us to introduce you… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke”

Can You Feel It – Evøke – O.M.G. Exclusive Sneak Peek!

Galway based band, Evøke, are fusing genres that some people would never consider as compatible but the beauty of Evoke is that there is a method behind their madness. The self-described “Indie/pop/fusion trad band” are about to release their newest single ‘Can You Feel… Continue Reading “Can You Feel It – Evøke – O.M.G. Exclusive Sneak Peek!”

My Year in Music – April 2020

Here we are again, another month begins and another bunch of additions are made to the My Year In Music playlists on Spotify and YouTube. This started out as little New Years Resolution for my own personal amusement; I would note a unique song… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2020”

Valentines Day Playlist

So, with Valentine’s Day coming up fast, we thought about lots of different things to do to mark the occasion. So being that we’re on a little music binge this year and gathering music into playlists, why not do the same for Valentine’s day… Continue Reading “Valentines Day Playlist”