Tag: Monsters

My Year in Music – February 2021

Is everyone ready for March Madness to begin?! Yeah?! Too bad, Ireland is still in lockdown; stay at home. Stay safe and social distance. Well, February certainly kept me entertained (looking at you Chasing Abbey and all your TikToks) and, despite all my efforts,… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – February 2021”

The List of Lesser Known Monsters

Greeting guys and ghouls, gals and Gorgons; it is time for another Spooktober blog post and, this time around, I’m here to talk to you about the monsters that have mostly avoided appearing on the big screen… These are the real monsters of the… Continue Reading “The List of Lesser Known Monsters”

The Truth About On-Screen Monsters

It’s time for me to talk about something I am quite fond of: monsters. So, we’ll start with the ones that everyone is aware of already. Yes, there are plenty of monsters that have appeared on the big and small screen but can you… Continue Reading “The Truth About On-Screen Monsters”