Tag: Mental health

Men Driving Fast in Funky Circles

(or The F1 2022 Season So Far!) Now wait just a damn second! You’re telling me that we’re over half way through the Formula One season and we haven’t made a post about it?! Allow me to fix that! But after twelve races, there’s… Continue Reading “Men Driving Fast in Funky Circles”

Burn Out

Lately a lot of stuff has piled up on my plate and life was hectic. I was doing my best to produce posts of the highest quality for the blog while helping family and dealing with issues all the while ensuring that no one… Continue Reading “Burn Out”

Lockdown Lessons

In the last year, a lot of people have tried to improve themselves during their time in lockdown or take up a new hobby or learn something new and, since lockdown is kind of ending here in Ireland, I’ve decided to have a look… Continue Reading “Lockdown Lessons”

Rewrite The Stars, a balancing act.

“Rewrite The Stars” When you read those three words together what comes to mind? Is it Zac Efron and Zendaya’s epic performance of it during ‘The Greatest Showman’? James Arthur and Ann-Marie’s remastered version of the same song? Or, maybe, that you have the… Continue Reading “Rewrite The Stars, a balancing act.”