Tag: Meg Cabot

November 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hope everyone enjoyed a rather mild November, we’re just as surprised as everyone else to be honest! This month seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! We finally got to hop on a plane and leave Ireland behind for a few days!… Continue Reading “November 2021 Monthly Round Up”

June Monthly Round Up

Heeeello everybody! It’s the end of June and we are here to share the best bits of the month with you. As you all know this month was Pride month and you may have noticed we changed our colours a little. Just a smidge.… Continue Reading “June Monthly Round Up”

April Monthly Round Up

Here’s to the longest month in existence: APRIL!!! Another few weeks of lockdown done and dusted; yeah, it’s hard but every day is another day closer to the end of it all but we’re not there just yet. We’re doing our best to have… Continue Reading “April Monthly Round Up”

November Monthly Round-Up

November Monthly Round Up Well, November is over and it’s time to drag Michael Bublé out of the closet to croon out Christmas classics (Merry Christmas Mr. Bublé. No, Mariah, you stay there!), grab the Celebrations and park your butt in front of the… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round-Up”