Tag: Martin Garrix

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

My Year in Music August/September 2022

I’M BAAAAAACK! It’s been a while since new songs were added to the My Year in Music playlist simply because, on the last day of last month, I was living my best life in Amsterdam soaking up the wonderfulness that is The Netherlands. It felt… Continue Reading “My Year in Music August/September 2022”

My Year in Music April 2022

It’s a bit later in the evening than usual but Hi everybody! Another month has been and gone and we have a whole new batch of songs for you to enjoy! A lot of these songs were literally the first songs that sprang to… Continue Reading “My Year in Music April 2022”

April 2022 Monthly Round Up

So, this April we lived our best tourist lives on what one can only describe as a holiday for Niamh (and those are rare) who got a name change while we were there too XD You have to admire the British attempt at anglicizing… Continue Reading “April 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – March 2022

Oooo we are back! My Year in Music with cryptic explanations is back! I know some of you just come here for the playlists but maybe some of you come to read the little comments that I put alongside my choices. If you are… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – March 2022”

My Year In Music – March 2021

A day late but we didn’t want you all to think we were pranking you with a fake April Fool’s day post but here we are! So usually, I tend to give some explanation as to why I pick certain songs and other times… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – March 2021”

My Year in Music – February 2021

Is everyone ready for March Madness to begin?! Yeah?! Too bad, Ireland is still in lockdown; stay at home. Stay safe and social distance. Well, February certainly kept me entertained (looking at you Chasing Abbey and all your TikToks) and, despite all my efforts,… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – February 2021”

My Year In Music – August

August has come and gone and school is in session, ladies and gents, which means that I am officially on my holidays after finishing my contract in the local Post Office for another year. You know those holidays that I can’t go on because… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August”

My Year in Music – Jan 2020

So for the past month, I’ve chosen a song a day. Almost like keeping a diary but not quite as private or personal. Maybe it was the first song I heard that day, maybe it was the song that matched my mood or maybe… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – Jan 2020”

Matters of the Heart – Ruthanne

With a newly released debut album, “Matters of the Heart”, and dates in The Academy in Dublin and in Colours in London, Ruthanne really seems unstoppable right now. With more songwriter credits than any normal human being would know what to do with, you… Continue Reading “Matters of the Heart – Ruthanne”