Tag: Lucifer

May 2023 Monthly Round Up

Hello Internet, this is OMG calling! To be honest, I don’t actually know who was meant to write the intro this month but you got me (Emma) so: Hi! When I say adulting has brought our blog to a standstill, I genuinely mean it.… Continue Reading “May 2023 Monthly Round Up”

September 2021 Monthly Round Up

It’s time again to sum up a month in a few sentences but, before we get to that part, can we just talk about the fact that we were at actual gigs this month? September is a great step towards normal and we’re hoping… Continue Reading “September 2021 Monthly Round Up”

April 2021 Monthly Round Up

It feels like only yesterday we were putting together last month’s Monthly Round Up as April truly flew by. This month we have been enjoying the warmer and summery weather. We’ve been spoilt for choice with amazing music this month which has helped us… Continue Reading “April 2021 Monthly Round Up”

March 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well, another month is in the bag and it’s starting to look a bit more summery out there, you know, when it isn’t pouring rain. This month we were (and, really, I mean I was) spending far too much money on game consoles, learning… Continue Reading “March 2021 Monthly Round Up”