Tag: Lose You To Love Me

My Year In Music July 2022

Just a bit later than usual but the playlist has landed! Last time July came around, we weren’t making our annual pilgrimage to Mitchelstown because of the plague that shall not be named. This time around we’re not going because we’re doing something even… Continue Reading “My Year In Music July 2022”

Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones

We are finally back with our Spotlight Artists for 2021. For anyone new to this segment: Welcome! To those who are returning to our blog: Welcome Back! After taking a break for January, we decided to kick off our 2021 segment in style with… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones”

Ireland’s Got You Covered

Every song has a cover. Some covers are more famous than the original (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun anyone?). This post is all about showing that, though Ireland has plenty of stunning original songs and amazing vocal performances, our gifted musicians and songwriters can… Continue Reading “Ireland’s Got You Covered”

Spotlight Artist: Moncrieff

We adore finding new and upcoming Irish Music Acts here at Our Muchness Guide. Today, April 16th, in a parallel non COVID-19 world, Niamh should be attending her very first Moncrieff gig but the world had other plans. Of course, the gig got rescheduled… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist: Moncrieff”