Tag: Limerick

April 2023 Monthly Round Up

April, what a month! Surrounded by many hours of work, two reunions for Our Muchness Guide, Niamh breaking a bone and the Chasing Abbey guys dropping a new song a week via their The Vault Series (that’s just scratching the surface); April was week… Continue Reading “April 2023 Monthly Round Up”

5 Reasons You Need To See Roisin O Live On Tour!

Tour season is in full swing for many Irish Artists but the tour that Niamh has been counting down to for months is finally in full swing! Roisin O’s 2023 tour began on March 31st in Sea Church, Cork and with six more dates… Continue Reading “5 Reasons You Need To See Roisin O Live On Tour!”

The Truth About Ireland

(or, you know, facts about Ireland. The actual title just seems a bit more dramatic XD) Since it’s the most Irish day of the year and we know everyone wants to be Irish today, I’ve decided to give you some facts about our beautiful… Continue Reading “The Truth About Ireland”

April 2022 Monthly Round Up

So, this April we lived our best tourist lives on what one can only describe as a holiday for Niamh (and those are rare) who got a name change while we were there too XD You have to admire the British attempt at anglicizing… Continue Reading “April 2022 Monthly Round Up”