Tag: Lessons

January 2023 Monthly Round Up

Well if that wasn’t the most January January to ever January… It only took about 4 years to end. Welcome to 2023’s first monthly round up! I know we’ve been teasing lots of different things for this year already on Twitter and such but… Continue Reading “January 2023 Monthly Round Up”

Lockdown Lessons

In the last year, a lot of people have tried to improve themselves during their time in lockdown or take up a new hobby or learn something new and, since lockdown is kind of ending here in Ireland, I’ve decided to have a look… Continue Reading “Lockdown Lessons”

Dear 16 Year Old Me

I spend a lot of my time looking for writing ideas in my free time and I found one that really caught my interest: If you could go back in time to 16 years of age with all the knowledge you currently possess what… Continue Reading “Dear 16 Year Old Me”