Tag: Lately

2023 Yearly Round Up

And with that the 2023 season comes to an end… and 2024 kicks off. There’s so much to do and see this year but, before we look forward, we should also look back at the year that was and remember the best bits of… Continue Reading “2023 Yearly Round Up”

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey

Our Muchness Guide has never shied away from reviewing Chasing Abbey’s releases and , naturally, the release of ‘Call Out My Name’ is no exception. However, this single took longer to review than the others simply because the minute details that we usually discuss… Continue Reading “Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey”

Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey

Something we strive for here at Our Muchness Guide is originality and a unique approach to something done plenty of times before and, like us, our topic of discussion today, Chasing Abbey, does the same. We’ll do our best to offer you insight and… Continue Reading “Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey”

2020 Yearly Round Up

Well, I’m fairly certain no one will be sad to see the back of 2020. We’ll be ringing in the New Year so we can be certain that January 1st arrives and we don’t get December 32nd and the 13th level of Jumanji. But,… Continue Reading “2020 Yearly Round Up”

Lately (Acoustic)

So, I know that we briefly discussed ‘Lately’ in our Spotlight Artist piece on Chasing Abbey but the new acoustic version was released today and I feel it’s only fitting that I (Emma, not Niamh. She’s “on the floor” and very biased too, this… Continue Reading “Lately (Acoustic)”

My… Quirk

So, over the year and a bit that we’ve been writing for OMG, Niamh has written about her hidden superpower, dyslexia, twice. Not once have I done the same thing. Yeah, I’ve mentioned it like it’s really no big deal but to some people… Continue Reading “My… Quirk”

My Year in Music – September

Aloha! September is over and spooky season has begun. Christmas does not exist until I get to celebrate Halloween and I will fight anyone who tries to start Christmas cheer this early in the year. It also means it’s time for Booktober to start… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – September”

September Monthly Round Up

Hey guys! It’s that time of the month again, Monthly Round Up! It has been an interesting one to say the least with Ireland not too sure what it’s doing with the weather, COVID-19 restrictions and work slowly going back to what I love… Continue Reading “September Monthly Round Up”

Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey

Hello dear readers! It’s that time of the month again where we choose an Artist to be our Spotlight Artist of the month. If August was one of Emma’s favourite Homegrown Heroes, September is all about one of mine! *Drum Roll Please* It’s Chasing… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artists – Chasing Abbey”