Tag: Laoise

February 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hello all! Welcome back to another Monthly Round Up! February just flew by for us here at Our Muchness Guide. It was jammed packed with homeschooling, gaming and lots of walks in our local areas! We celebrated the release of the first rerecording of… Continue Reading “February 2021 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – July

“July please I’m on my knees” Leave, you were soooooo long! This simultaneously feels like the fastest and the slowest year of my life so far, if that makes sense. It is August and as always it’s time to add to our pretty damn… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – July”

2FM Rising Galway

This one is incredibly long overdue all. So sit back and enjoy this blog post about my recent trip to Galway for RTÉ Rising with Laoise, Chasing Abbey and Jyellowl.  As soon as the gig was announced in my old university town with some… Continue Reading “2FM Rising Galway”

October’s Monthly Round-Up

October is over and it has been a crazy month. Spooky season has ended and it is creeping closer to Christmas. We were in London and saw the wonderful Coronas, the ever fabulous Ruthanne in Dublin and I (Emma) got to see the kick… Continue Reading “October’s Monthly Round-Up”