Tag: Lady Gaga

Ultimate Summer Vibes

Well hello darlings! We took a break to rest up and get back to full health (almost) and the reset did us the world of good. Summer has kicked into high gear in Ireland (kind of). In between the summer showers, you might feel… Continue Reading “Ultimate Summer Vibes”

February 2022 Monthly Round Up

Hello there! It’s been a crazy month and finding the time to blog regularly has been difficult for both of us to say the least. We have been doing our best to post as often as possible but being responsible adults makes it hard.… Continue Reading “February 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

My Year In Music – November 2021

Well hello to you too! I know I’m a post early and I’m mixing up the schedule we posted on Twitter but, you know, life loves throwing surprises at you so… SURPRISE! Here I am! It’s been a hectic month but also a lot… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – November 2021”

New Music Super Mega Post!

It’s been a while since us here at Our Muchness Guide got a chance to sit down and write our thoughts on all the new music that has appeared on the scene recently. So today is a New Music Mega Post listen to our… Continue Reading “New Music Super Mega Post!”

June 2021 Monthly Round Up

Happy end of June everyone! We all survived a month with amazing weather that resulted in very high levels of pollen for the majority of June here in Ireland and we (Niamh mainly) are proud we survived! June has kicked up our work schedules… Continue Reading “June 2021 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – April 2021

So this month’s My Year in Music song choices are based on prompts I saw on a song a day for April post that I saw on my Instagram (it was Golden Discs that provided the prompts, if I’m not mistaken) so I said… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2021”

My Year in Music – February 2021

Is everyone ready for March Madness to begin?! Yeah?! Too bad, Ireland is still in lockdown; stay at home. Stay safe and social distance. Well, February certainly kept me entertained (looking at you Chasing Abbey and all your TikToks) and, despite all my efforts,… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – February 2021”

‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’

Such an interesting title for a rather simple concept! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, my mind is drawn to the countless music playlists that flood the internet every February in the run up to making people feel that “love is in the… Continue Reading “‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’”