Tag: Kodaline

OMG’s Percy Playlist

With so many people jumping on the Percy Jackson and the Olympians ship, since the release of the Disney+ series, I’ve decided to welcome all you fans (new and old) and provide you with a playlist that’s perfectly Percy (or at least that’s what… Continue Reading “OMG’s Percy Playlist”

My Year In Music – June 2022

Well well well. We’re half way there now. 6 months of music all in one place and 6 more to come. While preparing the MYIM posts, I use the previous year’s posts as templates and I always find these post so fun to look… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – June 2022”

My Year in Music – May 2022

We have old and new songs and songs in between for you from May. It’s been a strange kind of month but we’ve come out the other side and into the month long celebration that is Pride 2022!  So to all the LGBTQIA+ members… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2022”

Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones

We are finally back with our Spotlight Artists for 2021. For anyone new to this segment: Welcome! To those who are returning to our blog: Welcome Back! After taking a break for January, we decided to kick off our 2021 segment in style with… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones”

‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’

Such an interesting title for a rather simple concept! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, my mind is drawn to the countless music playlists that flood the internet every February in the run up to making people feel that “love is in the… Continue Reading “‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’”

12 Irish Acts and Their Christmas Songs You NEED to Hear

One thing that screams December for me is Christmas music (and, of course, all of the Christmas gigs that they are sung at)! Instead of thousands of Irish music fans flocking to venues across the country this Christmas Season, we are stuck with just… Continue Reading “12 Irish Acts and Their Christmas Songs You NEED to Hear”

Wild Youth – Through The Phone

Two music posts from Niamh in the space of a few days? You better believe it! Today’s post is dedicated to Wild Youth’s latest single ‘Through The Phone‘. This one is going to hit home for many of you but especially anyone who is… Continue Reading “Wild Youth – Through The Phone”

June Monthly Round Up

Heeeello everybody! It’s the end of June and we are here to share the best bits of the month with you. As you all know this month was Pride month and you may have noticed we changed our colours a little. Just a smidge.… Continue Reading “June Monthly Round Up”

Thanks Brother – Whelan’s

On Saturday 16th of November, both of us here from Our Muchness Guide attended Thanks Brother’s headline gig in Whelan’s in Dublin. As Emma has done a number of reviews in the past, I (Niamh) am in the hot seat for this post! What… Continue Reading “Thanks Brother – Whelan’s”