Tag: Kerri Maniscalco

2023 Yearly Round Up

And with that the 2023 season comes to an end… and 2024 kicks off. There’s so much to do and see this year but, before we look forward, we should also look back at the year that was and remember the best bits of… Continue Reading “2023 Yearly Round Up”

October 2023 Monthly Round Up

Autumn has truly hit us with the bad weather in recent days as we both drowned in Halloween movies, sweets and a howling good time (howling, get it?). October saw us attend a Chasing Abbey fan event in honour of the munchkins in my… Continue Reading “October 2023 Monthly Round Up”

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

September 2022 Monthly Round Up

N: Who’s month is it anyway? (E: I thought you knew XD) Anyway, right now, we are doing our best to recover and get back to some semblance of normal. We’ve been crazy busy but also fighting with our health lately and something had… Continue Reading “September 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

November 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hope everyone enjoyed a rather mild November, we’re just as surprised as everyone else to be honest! This month seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! We finally got to hop on a plane and leave Ireland behind for a few days!… Continue Reading “November 2021 Monthly Round Up”