Tag: Justice League

March 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well, another month is in the bag and it’s starting to look a bit more summery out there, you know, when it isn’t pouring rain. This month we were (and, really, I mean I was) spending far too much money on game consoles, learning… Continue Reading “March 2021 Monthly Round Up”

Review: Justice League vs. The Snyder Cut

Forget Batman vs. Superman, it’s time for the greatest DC showdown of all time: Justice League vs. The Snyder Cut! At a mammoth 242 minutes long, Snyder’s Justice League is an entirely different animal when compared to the cinematic release of the Justice League… Continue Reading “Review: Justice League vs. The Snyder Cut”

Marvel Vs DC

Ladies and Gentlemen!! Get ready for the showdown of a lifetime! In the red corner, the Disney owned heavyweight blockbuster champion of the world, MARVEL STUDIOS! In the blue corner, the cinematic underdog and comic book hero, DC COMICS! It’s time to throw down.… Continue Reading “Marvel Vs DC”