Tag: Iron Man

Black Widow: Movie Review

Well, we gave you plenty of time to see the movie but it’s time for us to review the movie that both of us have been waiting for this year: Black Widow. It is finally the original female Avenger’s turn to get her own… Continue Reading “Black Widow: Movie Review”

Superhero Day 2021: Marvel edition

It is Superhero Day! Now, we love our Avengers and Marvel heroes so we are dedicating our Superhero Day post to them: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Why not DC? Because Marvel has a far more fleshed out, lived in universe (and I, Emma, am not… Continue Reading “Superhero Day 2021: Marvel edition”

Our Must-See Movies: 21st Century Edition

“What are some of the movies you must see before you die?” Wait! Let me guess some of the titles that probably popped into your head while I write this intro. So I asked this question to a lot of people I know and… Continue Reading “Our Must-See Movies: 21st Century Edition”

My Year in Music – June

Another year older, another year wiser is what people always say but that wiser part is questionable at best when it comes to me. June has come and gone and you know what that means!! We’re both back to work being responsible adults…(bet you… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – June”

June Monthly Round Up

Heeeello everybody! It’s the end of June and we are here to share the best bits of the month with you. As you all know this month was Pride month and you may have noticed we changed our colours a little. Just a smidge.… Continue Reading “June Monthly Round Up”

Disney Top 10s

So with isolation fever setting in, now is the time to sit down in front of the TV and regress, right? And with Disney+ in so many homes now, it’s easier than ever to become a kid again. Everyone has their favourites but what… Continue Reading “Disney Top 10s”

Marvel Vs DC

Ladies and Gentlemen!! Get ready for the showdown of a lifetime! In the red corner, the Disney owned heavyweight blockbuster champion of the world, MARVEL STUDIOS! In the blue corner, the cinematic underdog and comic book hero, DC COMICS! It’s time to throw down.… Continue Reading “Marvel Vs DC”