Tag: Irish

The Truth About Ireland

(or, you know, facts about Ireland. The actual title just seems a bit more dramatic XD) Since it’s the most Irish day of the year and we know everyone wants to be Irish today, I’ve decided to give you some facts about our beautiful… Continue Reading “The Truth About Ireland”

Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy

Well hello there! We felt it was time to get back to talking about music and what a better way to celebrate March than to celebrate Irish Music so, for the month of March, I (Emma) am going to dive into the depths of… Continue Reading “Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy”

Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey

Something we strive for here at Our Muchness Guide is originality and a unique approach to something done plenty of times before and, like us, our topic of discussion today, Chasing Abbey, does the same. We’ll do our best to offer you insight and… Continue Reading “Music Review: Defeated – Chasing Abbey”

5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day

Happy Early St Patrick’s Day one and all! Saint Patrick Day is the one day of the year everyone around the world with any sort of Irish heritage gets to celebrate everything that makes the Irish culture and heritage great! We, here at Our… Continue Reading “5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day”

Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones

We are finally back with our Spotlight Artists for 2021. For anyone new to this segment: Welcome! To those who are returning to our blog: Welcome Back! After taking a break for January, we decided to kick off our 2021 segment in style with… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and Single Review: Roisin O – Heart + Bones”

She Wins, I Lose – Ryan Mack Review

I want you to cast your minds back to a time when you were at a Music Gig either at the beginning of 2020 or, 2019. Do you remember the sounds? Do you remember the excitement? Do you remember the fun you had with… Continue Reading “She Wins, I Lose – Ryan Mack Review”

No Option – TJ Maestro Review

A New Year means new music and we are fully getting into the spirit of the New Year with a regular musician here on Our Muchness Guide! Today, dear readers, we are going to be diving into TJ Maestro’s new single ‘No Option’. The… Continue Reading “No Option – TJ Maestro Review”

Sam-Hane? Samhain!

We can officially say Happy Halloween! But, you guys, it’s only October 30th! Well dearest mortals it is but today’s blog post is all about the festival that inspired the modern festivities that we know as Halloween – Samhain (Modern Irish). Apart from the… Continue Reading “Sam-Hane? Samhain!”

Crazy Superstitions

Superstitions are just silly little things, right? Not to some. Superstitions are a general belief in supernatural forces influencing unpredictable situations and factors. For some people, taking part in superstitious rituals gives a sense of control and reduces anxiety and, in some cases, superstitious… Continue Reading “Crazy Superstitions”

Spotlight Artist & Music Review: Young Forever – Craig Cooney

Another Music Single review today dear readers and this time we will be talking about the exceptionally talented Craig Cooney. His latest single ‘Young Forever’ dropped on Friday 17th of July and when I say it is a chill, catchy number from this up… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist & Music Review: Young Forever – Craig Cooney”